What do our Behaviour Change Mentors want to achieve in 2020?

Thinking of and setting ourselves realistic and achievable New Year’s resolutions can be a daunting task – especially when it might feel like we have so much we want to change and achieve over the year. For those of you struggling for inspiration, we caught up with our Behaviour Change Mentors and asked them what New Year’s resolutions they have set for themselves this year.
“This year I’m going to try and go to the gym in the morning before work most days. If I start the day being more active, I find I’m much more productive at work and feel like I have more energy. It also means that once I’ve finished work, I have the whole evening to do other things like catch up with friends.”

“My New Year’s resolution is to go to bed earlier so that I can spend more time reading before I go to sleep. I’m also going to try and spend less time using technology before bed – I find I get a much better night’s sleep if I stay away from screens for a couple of hours before bed.”

“I’ve been running recreationally for quite a while now and this year I want to start training for and run a marathon. When I first started running, I used the couch-to-5k app which I recommend to anyone that wants to get started, it really helped me when I was a complete beginner.”

Want to know what the other Behaviour Change Mentors hope to achieve? Join the Low Carb Program now to find out more.