September Challenge 2022!

Are you looking for something to help kickstart your weight loss this autumn? Well, look no further, as we are launching our first ever September Challenge!
With the summer holidays now drawing to an end, it is time to get back into a routine and focus. The September Challenge is there to help you with reaching your weight loss goals. The aim of the challenge is to empower you and provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to really meet your weight loss goals this autumn.
So what does it involve?
Things kick off from Sunday 28th August, with our Health Coach Libby hosting a one-off Bank Holiday Special meet up at 10am where she will be launching the challenge. Throughout September, each week we will be focusing on a different theme and a weekly challenge, covering all of the necessary elements to achieving sustainable weight loss – nutrition and diet, psychological factors, activity and exercise, gut health and a dedicated week to myth busting.
Every Sunday we will be releasing our weekly schedule, packed full of fun events and activities for you all to take part in, as well as daily articles to help supplement your knowledge. We will also be hosting our weekly meet ups, with the opportunity for you to check in each week with a Health Coach during our Weigh-in Wednesday meet ups.
You can expect to join community members like Paul, who has lost a staggering 16kg on the programme. "People are commenting on how well I look; my clothes are looking better but mostly the fact that my HbA1c is lower than it has ever been in the last 8 years – this has been the most motivating factor!"

Read more from our Success Stories here.